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  • Writer's pictureJohnnie Loader

Johnnie's Journal No.1

As midsummer arrived, finally few days of really warm sunshine. All at once the raspberries and strawberries are ripening in the garden along with the red currants, although for these we are in competition with a pair of blackbirds. The Barley fields are turning from lime green to pale gold, the harvest won’t be far off. The skylarks are silent now, perhaps their chicks are grown and gone. I saw two hares in the wheat fields above Blockley, chasing one another, coming so close I could almost touch them. Oblivious of my presence until the last moment and they were gone on their gangly legs. It is good to see so many this year, there was a time when to spot one was a real red letter day.

We’ve been busy with the tours. Mostly American guests enjoying Hidcote and Sezincote gardens, Broadway shops and Daylesford. The 1300 year old Yew tree in Broadwell is very popular as is the impromptu beer swilling at Donnington Brewery. The Morris men are about with their beribboned hats and bell clad legs dancing up a thirst outside the local pubs. Although they’re often joked about, I love to see this ancient tradition enduring, the sound of their bells and sticks and the accordion accompaniment so evocative of childhood summers.

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